
Job Satisfaction: My Simple Analysis Breakdown

What is Job satisfaction?


Job satisfaction refers to how much a worker enjoys his or her work. Job satisfaction, in a short and concise definition, is the motivator that motivates employees to perform more, feel better, and be more committed to their work, organization, and customers. Job satisfaction can be regarded of, as a metric for how well people meet their goals, building a successful career.

One of the things that emanates from you as a person is job satisfaction. It’s all about how you see what you do for a living.

Job satisfaction refers to an individual’s psychological condition of emotional and organizational attachment to their job. It is linked to, but not the same as, notions like the flow of effort, ennui, and job engagement. According to various academics, there are several factors to defining job happiness that stem from work psychology.
Based on a meta-analysis of published studies in 2003, Warr (2003) suggests that job satisfaction is comprised of five broad constructs:

  • The psychological state of being content with one’s work is known as job satisfaction. Commitment to the job and the company, as well as emotional attachment and engagement, are all factors.
  • Job satisfaction is essentially a mix of excitement, meaning, and engagement, which all correspond to distinct types of factors but are all related in some way.
  • They show that job satisfaction has a considerable beneficial effect on creativity, however the evidence on the direction of causality is still equivocal.
  • Employee satisfaction has a direct impact on the bottom line: happy employees are more inclined to work hard and remain engaged at work.
  • Job satisfaction is the foundation of happiness. It’s a force that propels you forward in your goals.


Is Job Satisfaction a Crucial Factor?

In this day and age, everybody seems to be “busy”, “apprehensive”, “stressed out”. I guess you could say that it’s a vicious cycle sort of thing.

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Someone’s job, for example, is stressful, so they come home after a long day at work and take it out on their loved ones: perhaps on their spouse and children, or just on whatever is troubling them.
As a result, family relationships are strained, and things aren’t exactly cheerful and enjoyable. This can lead to depression, which can lead to alcoholism and other problems. You understand those situation, right?.



Does my Employee Deserve Job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is a win-win situation because happy employees are more productive and less inclined to leave. When an individual’s personal values and aspirations fit with the organization’s principles, and their employment fulfills that role, that employee experiences job satisfaction.

Employee perception and attitude are important to the concept of job satisfaction, which is a human resources management concept. Job-related attitudes have a good or negative impact on turnover. A favorable attitude toward work enhances the likelihood of staying with an employer, whereas a negative attitude diminishes the likelihood of staying. Job satisfaction influences several aspects of an employee’s life, including support, motivation, recruitment, and performance.

So Yes!, Every employees deserves some value and respect to work efficiently.



How important is money to you?

A few years ago, civil engineering was the most promising area in the market, which led thousands of students to enter this degree, increasing competition. Today, the real estate market situation is no longer the same, and the unemployment level for civil engineers has increased.

This example shows that not always what brings good pay today will still be high tomorrow, so you should be careful to treat money as a priority. To make a decision that will define your entire future, it is also important to consider other aspects.

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What is most important to you: having a good salary or quality of life?

Making money is the goal of any student entering college, but focusing on it alone can mean giving up their quality of life. Imagine spending years in a profession that you only hate for a paycheck? Or wake up every day with a sense of frustration about going to work?

Talk to professionals in the field, look at job specifications that are already available, and research hard if what you pay is worth what you have to sacrifice, especially job satisfaction.


Where do you see yourself in a few years?

What are your goals for the future? Do you want to work but have free time to take care of yourself and build a family? Or are you willing to dedicate yourself entirely to your career?

We know it’s hard to get a clear picture of the future now, but having a sense of how you see yourself in a few years can provide a basis for choosing a profession.

For example, those who don’t see themselves working more than eight hours a day are unlikely to enjoy areas such as nursing or medicine – which require daily shifts (and holidays!) And years of dedicated dedication to the school.


What really gives you pleasure?

Even if certain fields pay significantly more, if the experts who chose them aren’t really excellent at what they do, they are unlikely to be well compensated. And pleasure is inextricably linked to perfection.

Those that offer their all are recognized professionals in the market. And to do so, you must be passionate about what you do. Do you know an accomplished architect who despises drawing? Or a well-known TV host who despises communication?

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You don’t have to give up something you love just because you don’t think you’ll be able to “donate money.” Your situation may be an outlier; just keep an eye out for the perfect possibilities.


Those who love fashion, for example, do not only have to be a stylist; it is possible to invest in careers such as marketing, consulting, journalism, or image consulting. The possibilities are immense, and all can bring an excellent financial return.

And you don’t even have to hold on to the diploma, with the knowledge of graduation you can even start your own business! Most importantly, you do your best in everything you do. The result will be a financial and personal success.

Did you realize how compensation and job satisfaction are not excluded? Want to find the best profession to bridge the two possibilities? Let us also hear your contribution to this.



A frequent drama in the lives of young people facing college entrance exams is: should I choose a career that gives me money or job satisfaction? In a market marked by the dreaded “crisis” this doubt and the fear of making the wrong choice are even stronger.

If you are also facing this dilemma, we have already said that it is possible to find a profession that provides pleasure and good remuneration, but for that, you need to consider some issues, which we have discussed in this post.

Satisfaction is important! That is the essence of career fulfillment. Job satisfaction differs from job happiness, which can be transient, or simply feeling good about your job. Job satisfaction is a metric that assesses the sense of achievement and accomplishment that comes with a job well done.


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