
12 Practical Guide to Presenting a Good Seminar.


Psychology student and Communication History teacher give tips for presenting a good seminar, and here are the practical guide to presenting a good seminar.

  • Learn how to organize your research and catch the attention of your classmates.
  • The problem can start with research, organize the presentation, and get shy when it comes to public speaking.
  • Check out the practical guide for presenting a good seminar.

One of the great difficulties of students is to present a good seminar. The problem can start with research, organize the presentation, and get shy when it comes to public speaking.

To find out how you can overcome your difficulties and deliver a good seminar according to Professor Carlos Costa, teachers expect students to “do research, delve into the topic, organize ideas, and learn from it more than they would in a simple class where the teacher speaks, and the student pays attention.” To achieve this goal, check out the practical guide for presenting a good workshop:


presenting a good seminar

A practical guide to presenting a good seminar

1. Organize your search

For psychology student Mayara Pompeo, the tip is to organize your research into topics. “These topics are things I would like to know, the curiosities and usefulness of the subject,” says the student.

Once you understand what the seminar theme is, find the search keywords and assemble topics that will help you deepen the topic.


Make it easier for yourself by thoroughly preparing. Plan the structure and format of your presentation, including the introduction, the essential data you want to convey in the most logical order, the presentation’s objective and purpose, and the conclusion.


2. Online sources

Searching the topic on the internet is faster than in books, but you should be very careful when using websites and blogs. Professor Carlos says he has received works with photographs of characters who were born and died before the invention of photography itself.

For him, “the internet is an interesting source as long as the student has a critical sense. It is an initial resource for scanning what is already online about the subject; it is the starting point for the student to go to the library. , use books, and find specific sites to develop the theme. “


So start your search on the internet, but be sure to look for books by the teacher and even the blogs you found. Before including online sources in your work, review the content to verify its accuracy.

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3. Memorize

This is the time to make your seminar fun. The student interviewed tells that, to memorize the content of the work, she reads the texts and practices her diction while doing some routine activity.

“I summarized my study and read it aloud while cleaning the dishes, bathing, or stirring with water,” she explains, adding that as strange as it may seem, associating material with something you do every day is a good thing. The day aids with the memorization of the seminar’s subject.


4. Show Enthusiasm

Say your concept out loud if you believe it will make a difference in the world. The most important thing is to connect with your audience, so make the content enjoyable for them. You must hold your audience’s attention and keep it.

If you’re enthusiastic about a project, let your audience know. Allow yourself to unwind, have fun, and express yourself. Tell your audience what matters to you and why it matters to you. Keep a positive attitude and tell the truth.


5. Relax and Enjoy

One crucial thing to remember is to begin by focusing on your breath. Slow down and check to see if you’re breathing normally. Throughout your presentation, make sure to take a few moments to catch your breath. You will almost certainly present better if you can get yourself to relax. If you can start to enjoy yourself physically, your audience will respond positively and interact more effectively. Your public speaking skills will increase dramatically, as will your self-assurance.


6. Use audiovisual resources

Cásper Líbero’s teacher recommends the use of audiovisual resources to retain students’ attention. He said, “We had a time when people were able to hear a preacher’s speech for hours.

After five minutes of monopoly speech, people’s interest drains.” Set up PowerPoint presentations and bring relevant films to your topic to make your seminar more interactive, and you can refer to these materials if you miss something. The way you deliver information affects how the audience reacts to it.

If you are confused about a set of outcomes, the audience will conclude that they are unworthy of their time.

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7. Make the Most of Your Voice

Because it only engages one of your audience’s five senses, speaking is actually a somewhat inefficient mode of communication. That’s why presenters frequently employ visual aids. However, by skillfully using your voice, you can aid to improve the spoken word.

Varying your speaking speed and emphasizing changes in pitch and tone all help to keep your audience’s attention and make your voice more fascinating.


8. Don’t be Boring.

Even if your presentation is jam-packed with relevant data, if you deliver it poorly, your session will suffer.

I believe that having a few jokes and light-hearted slides helps the audience (and myself) relax, especially when presenting a lot of information. It’s vital to strike a balance, though, because you’re not doing a stand-up performance, and your audience isn’t there to be entertained. Don’t be scared to use comedy in your presentation. If you’re not sure if a presentation is “too much,” go over it with a few of pals and have them tell you straight.


9. Overcome shyness

Shyness is one of the biggest obstacles in time to present a seminar. “It’s a matter of training. For you to speak well, you need to reason well, have clear ideas and confidence about the proposed theme,” says Carlos Costa, who recommends organizing ideas to form a logical narrative.

Remember that at the time of the seminar, you have already done your research, have studied on the topic and mastered the proposed subject, being able to make a great presentation.

To overcome shyness, Mayara recommends that you do activities that involve interacting with others. She says, The great idea is to start taking drama or music classes, actually any kind of activity that involves a lot of people. So you won’t think you’re bothering other students or being ashamed to perform in front of them. “

Remember to Smile and Frequently Make Eye Contact with your Audience.


10. Be optimistic.

With in days leading up to your presentation, try to keep a cheerful mindset. If you’re shy, this may seem apparent and difficult to execute, but if you can pull it off, it will make a significant impact in your effectiveness. Recognize your anxiety, but resist the need to give in to negative views. Rather than focusing on all the things that could go wrong, visualize a positive outcome and what you can do to make it happen.

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Take note that your instructors and colleagues would like you to succeed, The audience is rooting for you to succeed. In fact, many people are terrified of public speaking, so even if the audience appears uninterested, the chances are excellent that the majority of those listening to your presentation can relate to how stressful it can be. If you start to feel nervous, remember that the audience understands and is rooting for you to succeed.

So be proud and give it your best!


11. Attend Other’s Presentations

If you’re giving a talk as part of a seminar, consider to attend some of the other presenters’ earlier talks to get a sense of their presentation abilities and background. This demonstrates respect for your co-presenters while also allowing you to gauge the audience’s reaction. Is the crowd in a good mood? Is everyone in a good mood or are they a little stiff? Is the focus of the presentations strategic or tactical? You might hear something from another speaker that you can use eventually in your own presentation.


12. Learn which technology is available and what you will have to prepare.

Make sure you’re comfortable with the technology in the room before you use it. This could imply a thorough understanding of PowerPoint. Alternatively, you may require practice utilizing an automatic clicker or prompter to switch slides. If you’re going to utilize a microphone, think about how you’ll set it up.

If you’re giving a PowerPoint presentation, for example, make sure the venue has a competent projection system.


  • Practice and be committed to your research all through the preparation.
  • Clearly state your objectives and goals and be professional about it .
  • Spend time on your data research (graphs, tables) and Quote appropriate references.
  • Frequently Make eye contacts with your audience and never face down the Floor.
  • Conclude your presentation with statements that addresses your objectives and finish your story Confidently.
  • Make the Most of Your Voice and be Audible enough
  • Attend Other’s Presentations
  • Don’t be Boring.

To your Success!


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