
Step by Step Guide On How to Make a Professional Resume.


Learn how to make a simple and efficient resume to be more competitive in the job market. The resume is the first contact between the applicant and the employer. It determines if the professional will be called for an interview or selection process. So making a good impression is critical, as a recruiter usually takes less than a minute to evaluate a resume.

Here’s how to make a resume, from the general presentation to the information you should (and should not) put in your CV!

how to make a professional resume 2


– Presentation

It is not just curriculum content that matters, a good presentation also scores points for the candidate. Be careful to make it easy for anyone reading the document, as submitting your CV is the first step to pique the interest of your prospective employer.

The paper type and letter

Use a good printer and white sheets. The text should be printed in black (or a very dark gray) and in an elegant and classic font, avoid the very fuzzy as they are more difficult to read and can make an impression of unprofessionalism.

Some sources indicated are: “Times New Roman”, “Arial” and “Verdana”. Use a font size that is pleasing to read: no package insert, no billboard! Fonts of size 12 or 14 are suitable.

Amount of information


Ideally, the resume should be one or two pages long. Very long resumes tend to be dropped by recruiters.

Avoid printing your two-sided document. If your resume has two pages, hand it over on two stapled sheets (no clips or those little folds at the end of the sheet).

Beware of your use language

Proofread your text before printing, and ask someone else to read and correct possible errors. Misspelled resumes are not well regarded.

The file

If you are sending it by email, save the file in PDF format, so you ensure that it will keep the same formatting when it opens on another computer. Name the file with your full name.



– How to fill in Resume Content

Ideally, the CV should be short and objective, prepared according to the company and job you want to apply for. When sending your resume directly to a company, make the necessary adjustments and make it more attractive to the position you want to fill, highlighting the most interesting experiences for that position. By registering on a job site or recruitment company, you can make it more general.

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What to put on the curriculum

Distribute curriculum content to highlighted topics in the following order:

1. Personal Data

2. Purpose

3. Formation

4. Qualifications

5. Professional Activities

6. Complementary Courses

1. Personal Data

Start by writing your personal data: full name; address (optional); marital status (optional); date of birth and also your contacts: email and phone. Contact information is very important, make sure it is up to date and entered correctly.

You do not need to enter number of documents such as social security number or work card number. The company will only need this data later at the time of hiring.

2. Purpose

In this topic, be direct and write what your area of ​​interest is. If you are registering your CV on a job site, try not to put the name of the desired position (positions vary by company), write the area of ​​activity a little broader.

Do not put too many goals together. If you have more than one different goal, make a resume for each of them, focusing on the area of ​​interest.

3. Formation

Describe the courses you took from the most recent to the oldest. Mention the name of the course (with the grade: technical course, degree, specialization, etc.), the name of the institution and the year of completion. If you are still studying, you can put the word “attending”.

The information about where you completed elementary and high school is irrelevant. They should only appear on the curriculum on two occasions: if this is your only training, or if you have completed a technical high school in the area in which you are applying for the position.

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You can describe your knowledge here in another language, but be honest about fluency, as you can damage your professional image by putting incorrect information on the resume.

4. Qualifications

Briefly describe some of your qualifications, skills, and knowledge gained from your previous experiences.

Avoid placing too personal and subjective characteristics such as “nice” or “compromised”. This type of information will be judged by the evaluator at the time of the interview.

5. Professional Activities

You should always list your professional experiences from newest to oldest.

Begin by writing the name of the company you worked for and a short description of the activity (eg, Company Tal – Wholesale Electrical Products). Include the period worked (month and year of start and end of activities). If you are still working, instead of the end date you can put the word “current”, or leave only the start date. Complete with the position held and name the activities performed.

When describing the activities performed, focus on the most relevant and the results obtained.

It is not necessary to mention all the experiences if they are many. It is preferable to leave some out (especially the older ones), so the document is more concise. It is more advantageous to highlight the most interesting experiences and describe their activities than to fill out the document with a large number of worked companies. Try to keep the resume on two pages.

6. Complementary Courses

Here you should cite extracurricular, short courses, workshops or lectures that are relevant to your area of ​​interest. It is important to mention the institution, workload and year of completion of these courses.

If you have any international experience or exchange, you can mention it in this space. It can be a differentiator in your resume. If you have not taken additional courses, it is best to remove this item.

Finish your document by placing the city, month, and year at the bottom of the page.

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– How to Write a Resume with Work Experience

Job Title/Position

Your job title appears at the top of each item for work experience. You want the HR manager to be able to tell right away if you have relevant work experience for the job when they scan your resume.

Achievements and Responsibilities

The basis of any work experience entry is this section. You should list your accomplishments or duties, depending on your field. In a moment, we’ll get deeper into the hows and whys of this.

Dates Employed

The length of time you worked at each company. Are you unsure of the dates you worked somewhere? Don’t worry about being exact to the day; as long as it’s close, it’ll suffice. mm/yyyy is the usual format that recruiters and companies expect (this is especially important when your job application will be parsed by an Applicant Tracking System).

Company Name / Location / Description

Next you mention the relevant employer’s name, as well as the location of the office where you work/have worked. If the company is not well-known, you may also wish to give a quick description of it.

– What to avoid in the curriculum

Just as important as knowing what should be on your resume is knowing what to avoid.

There is some information that should not be filled in a resume, such as:

  • Title “Curriculum” or “Curriculum Vitae”. Get started right away with your personal data;
  • Photo, only if employer requests it.
  • Name of parents, spouse or children.
  • Salary claim. Leave to discuss this topic in the interview.
  • Certificates of the courses you have taken.
  • Letters of reference. If necessary, they must be delivered or sent in separate documents.

What did you think of this curriculum template? Did these Steps help?

Also SEE Some of the Things Students Should Know Before Writing Their First Resume.

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