
What is Teleworking and Where do i get them?


The telecommuting is here to stay, there are more and more opportunities of this kind, and in the not too distant future, a large number of the population will telework. But … What exactly is teleworking and where can you find opportunities of this kind. Here I’ll tell you all the details.

What is teleworking?

Teleworking, or remote work, allows you to work in a different place than the office. Let’s say it’s the way to work remotely, thanks to new technologies without having to go to the office.

This offers the opportunity to work from home, from a hotel, library … basically from anywhere in the world. Simply having an internet connection and a computer is usually enough.


Teleworking is work that takes place outside of a traditional on-site location and is made possible by communications technologies. Employees that use teleworking stay in touch with coworkers, management, partners, and customers in real time, even if they are operating from various locations.

Generally, one of the main characteristics of teleworking is that it is usually marked by objectives and not by hours of work. This brings many benefits, both personal and for the company.


Classification of Telework


•Home-based telework: is when work is done from the comfort of one’s own home. This labor can be high-skilled (computer programming, for example) or low-skilled (basic clerical work, for example).

•Teleworking from remote offices: where work is done at offices that are remote from the main office – at “satellite offices” (controlled by the employer); at telecentres (where information technology and work space are provided for a given community and employers are asked to rent space for their employees); or at telecottages (where users are trained and self-employed teleworkers are attempted to find work).

•Mobile telework: work done by persons who work occasionally away from their normal working base (either a traditional office, a satellite office, or from home) and whose work typically entails travel and/or spending time on the premises of customers (e.g. sales and consulting).

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•Ad hoc teleworking: when office-based employees use computers and telecommunications to work from home under certain well-defined circumstances (including all types of employees who work from home on occasion, as well as “special case” out-of-hours or standby staff equipped with computers and/or mobile phones for remote access from home when on standby)


•Nomadic teleworking: is when personnel (for example, engineers and salespeople) who are not ordinarily situated in an office for the entirety of their working day use computers and other telecommunications devices to stay in touch with their base.

Advantages of teleworking

Teleworking offers great advantages, including:

  • Flexibility: It may be the most desired by most, the biggest advantage of teleworking. You can organize your work time according to your needs, and in this way, work does not prevent you from enjoying other things in life. In fact, for many, distance work is a unique opportunity to balance professional and family life, sports, or other hobbies such as travel.
  • Savings in transport: Another of the great advantages will be the reduction of expenses in transport: gasoline, car, bus, subway.. People who live in big cities can lose many hours a month just having to go to work.
  • Productivity: There are studies that show that people who work from home, or from anywhere are more productive.
  • Reduce infrastructure costs: Office expenses, both direct and indirect, are drastically reduced. Employers can reduce out-of-office days, save money on overhead office costs, and gain a competitive hiring edge. Teleworking allows employees to save time and money by allowing them to work from home. It also allows them to be more flexible with their schedule.
  • Attracting better talents: The opportunity to work remotely means that they can hire better . who, if they had to go to the office, would not have accepted the job due to distance or other factors.
  • Reduction of pollution: This is beneficial to both businesses and their employees, as well as the rest of society. Teleworking has been demonstrated to lower pollution levels, which is great for the environment.
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Disadvantages of teleworking

Obviously, there are also a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account.

  • Disconnect from work:  Many times, when work is at home, it is very difficult to disconnect. You have to know how to differentiate between personal and professional life. For this, there are some tips, such as having a specific place to work, create schedules, etc.
  • Performance:  Although in most cases, productivity is usually higher, there are times where the employee can lower the quantity and quality of work.
  • Identification with the company: The fact of working from home and not going to the office, sharing with colleagues, can create a feeling of less identification with the company.
  • Learning is being reduced: Employees may end up completing more routine tasks as a result of remote working. Without collaborative or group learning, a professional’s career growth and learning process may become static.
  • Emotional disconnection: The loss of connection, bond, motivation, and excitement for the firm is one of the effects for employees of not coming to work, which can be caused by working remotely. Even so, we are emotional and social beings, and our main engagement with work is through technology devices, which might negatively impact our feeling of connection.

Where to look for telecommuting Opportunities?

When looking for opportunities for telecommuting, you should keep in mind that there are several options: work for others or work for a company.

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You loved options are feasible to work remotely. When you work as a freelancer offering services, and you can do it by simply having your computer and internet connection, it is teleworking.

On the other hand, more and more companies realize the benefits offered by teleworking by offering a greater number of opportunities to work remotely, teleworking options that you can perform from anywhere.

Some Teleworking Opportunities to learn are as listed below:

Conclusions on Teleworking

Have you ever dreamed of being able to work lying in a hammock, under a palm tree on a Caribbean beach, while having a mojito?  That is not teleworking.

But distance work gives you the opportunity to do your job comfortably at a desk with your computer at the time you choose and to enjoy the sun’s rays in the hammock at your rest on that Caribbean beach. Do you understand the concept?

More and more companies offer the opportunity to telework. New Startups and companies that see the benefits of working at a distance for both employees and themselves.

We hope that this article will help you to understand more about this work modality and that you can access opportunities for distance work.

Teleworking has received significant attention in recent years, owing in part to technology advances that have made it more practical.

Workers are increasingly mobile these days, and businesses frequently operate with teams dispersed across multiple offices. Having teleworking-supporting communications systems in place ensures that your organization meets the expectations of today’s workplace.


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